Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Easter Time

This was Keith and I’s first married Easter. I think we have now hit every holiday as a married couple! We decided… kind of last min. That we wanted to dye eggs. We got a weird tie-dye kit for the eggs and got to work.


DSC09373 DSC09385After our service at Journey Church, we hurried to Suwanee for Easter Lunch. Keith and I got our first easter picture taken as the Davis family.


Aunt DD7 was jealous and had to get in with us. She always does an awesome job getting everything set up and ready for our lunch. We love her!

DSC09391  Below are a few more fun pictures from the day.

Easter page 1Easter page 2

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Our plant life. I feel like my Grandparents!


Keith and I love plants. It makes our place feel so bright an happy. We had just a few, but then our friends Weyman and Betty Jean let us have some of theirs. Keith has nurtured them to beautiful and thriving plants( with a little  help from many aqua globes) and we have some beautiful looking plants. One day i am sure… like my grandma… i will send pictures of our plants to our children and grandchildren says  “My Sweetie and the Poor Pompous” Just like the one my grandma sent us a few years ago! Check out the plants below!







Herb Update.



we had some issues with the parsley.. that is why it was not pictured.. let’s just say that maybe it got too much sun.

Saturday, April 3, 2010